Rabu, 27 Maret 2019

let me try to taste the night

My stomach dancing at the night
My finger dancing at the night
My mind dancing at the night

Spoon and fork be the instruments

Name of food be the lyrics
Smell of food be the tones

The music will be like
Kriuk kriuk
Nyam nyam
Kress kress

Where is the food
Where is the glass
Where is the plate

All of this be the best show at the night
Till the sun comes and wakes me up

sphagety, jengkol, pizza, pete


Hellow. My name is Riva Nurjanah. My friend call me Riva. At home all of my family member call me “Ri”, “ Va”. At home i call my self with “Ipa”. Such as i wanna ask for something from my mom, “Ma, Ipa wanna have a boyfriend, just give me one, and i will accept that boy”. Haha. This year I’m 22 years old. In July i will turn 23 years old. My age be older for my baby face. Haha. Everyday except Sunday I never stay at home. Monday till Friday I work. And on Saturday I have class. But if my friend invite me to go to hangout in Sunday ya that mean everyday I never at home. I live in Bekasi. So I need a rocket to go home. Maybe that is the reason I still single till now. Haha. I take 1 hour to get my work by my bike. Also take 1 hour to get my uni. Eventhough the distance so far, but i always enjoy riding to everywhere with my bike of course. I have 2 brothers. And I the oldest one. My brothers are twin. Their name are Rafki and Rifki. They look similar each other. They taller than me. Like giraffe and rabbit. Their body also bigger than me. Like elephant and ant. Haha. Now they are 14 years old. And in April they will turn 15 years old. They have a beauty date of birth. 20 04 2004. Twenty ow four ~ twenty ow four. My daddy work in Jakarta. And my mom stay at home take care all of family member. And I love them. Music? oh I really love music. All of music that has selow rhytme, and music that can be send me to the world of dream at night. Haha such as Taylor Swift song Back to December, Coldplay The Scientist, and MLTR Thats Why You Go Away
I have started post in this blog since 2017. The grey year for me. If you read already my  post in 2017 you will know the reason. Actually for 4 post ive copied from my account google plus
Riva Nurjanah ya i know my grammar not well. Ya lah you have to know this one. I started to continue my study to college last year. So when I posted this post I just started study in semester 2. And my journey still so long. But ya I have to enjoy second by second. So if you read my blog and you found there are a lot of my grammar wrong, you can tell me where the grammar wrong is and tell me the right. You can tell me from box of comentar below this post.
Thats all. For the last you can visit to my account of  instagram Riva Nurjanah. And visit my account of google. Okey enough see

Jumat, 22 Maret 2019

My Favorite Movies

Hey kamu. ya kamu. HAHA

Gue lagi marathon film. The Walking Dead yang sekarang udah nayangin 9 serial. sampai blog ini di publish gue udah hatam 6 season. Sebelum gue melanjutkan perjuangan menonton ke season 7 gue searching dulu alur cerita dia episode pertamanya. karena last episode di season 6 sangat membuat gue sengsara dengan adegan terakhirnya ada yang dipukul dengan tongkat baseball. :(

Siapakah yang akan dipukul oleh Negan. Dan ini yang buat gue penasaran. Saat gue search di google ternyata Glenn akan mati. Sedih gue. Karena Maggie lagi hamil dan harus ditinggal suaminya:(

Season 7 ada

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 This feeling that really suck. We have access for sure, but everytime I have a time to tell, my mouth stop talking, even my mind keep think...